Smart people safety

TrackMini Badge

SOS Button

Accurate indoor and outdoor positioning through integration of GNSS, WiFi access point scanning, and cell tower location


May be used as an SOS/panic button with instant LED feedback or may be adapted to meet your specific requirements


Battery life of up to 35 days at 60 position updates per day, along with convenient magnetic group recharging


Compact and lightweight, featuring a slim 9 mm profile and can be worn with a lanyard, attached to clothing, or slipped into a pocket

107 x 45 x 9 mm

Key Features

Multi-Mode Usage

Movement tracking, periodic tracking, position-on-request, and activity monitoring to cover various personal tracking and safety requirements

Positioning Alerts

Get notified when individuals enter or exit defined zones, with additional alerts at the start of movement, during, and upon stopping for great transparency

Customisable Button

The button can be tailored for various uses, such as an SOS/panic button, zone check-in/check-out, or logging working hours

Plug & Play Solution

Leverages public infrastructure for outdoor positioning and communication, and existing WiFi systems indoors, to avoid costly upfront investments and quick deployment

Sustainable Design

With options for single and group recharging and battery alerts, the reusable design is made for eco-friendly and cost-efficient monitoring

White-Label Ready

Design the front label to align with your brand identity, allowing the TrackMini to fit smoothly into your product range (MOQs apply)

Tech Specs


107 x 45 x 9 mm


Wearable with Lanyard or Pocketable



Operational Range

-10 °C to +60 °C


GNSS, WiFi AP MAC Adress Scanning, Cell Tower Location


LTE-M (Cat-M1) - eSIM
NB-IoT (Cat-NB2) - eSIM


Temperature, Humidity,
3-axis accelerometer


1100 mAh
Li-Po Battery (rechargeable)

Battery life

Up to 35 days
(60 daily updates)

Application Scenarios

Zone Monitoring

Monitor defined areas of your premises and mark them as restricted or danger zones to receive alerts whenever the number of people present changes.

Safety Monitoring

Keep track of remote workers through live location monitoring, and utilise the panic button to communicate danger and trigger predefined SMS or email alerts.

Identification Mode

Ensure workers are identified and checked-in upon arriving on-site, automatically adding them to the monitoring list for continous monitoring.

Working Hours Tracking

To mark the start or end of a shift, enabling easy logging of working hours with a precise location stamp for accurate time and attendance records.

TrackMini Badge deployed

Discreet personal safety tracking

Security staff location tracking during a music festival
Patient zone monitoring on hospital ground

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